The encrypted messaging service Telegram has announced the availability of its new Story feature, which enables premium users to publish stories that are viewable by their selected audience, including free users. The most recent versions of Telegram for Android, iOS, and desktop now include the capability.
The global chat search will be positioned below the Story feature, which allows users to contribute images, videos, and text that vanish after 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours or may be configured to stay on their profile forever. Additionally, users can decide who can access their stories.
Dual camera feature is supported by Telegram’s Stories, allowing users to take pictures and videos with both the front and rear cameras at the same time.
The additional benefit for premium users is the ability to add animated stickers, polls, and quizzes to their stories, increasing interaction and engagement.
The platform introduced significant updates to its programme earlier this year, adding features like shareable chat folders, personalised backdrops, and more.