Telugu actor Naga Shaurya got hitched with his girlfriend Anusha Shetty today in Bengaluru. The videos have surfaced on social media which have made the fans go in awe. The PR channel of Tollywood handled by Vamsi Shekar posted videos of Naga Shaurya and Anusha Shetty’s wedding on Twitter.
The PR tweeted, “ Congratulations to the adorable couple #NagaShaurya and #AnushaShetty.. Wishing you both all the happiness in the world.”
Bride Anusha Shetty was decked up in an elegant red South Indian saree for the wedding day. The duo were seen performing rituals like sindoor, varmala ceremony and so on.
The pre-wedding celebrations of the duo were held in a hotel in a high-end Bengaluru. Fans started off the trend #LetsGoShaan. As per the reports, Naga Shaurya will be throwing a grand reception party for his friends and colleagues from Tollywood in Hyderabad.
Shaurya will be next seen in Rangabali and another untitled project in his pipeline. He last starred in Krishna Vrinda Vihari with Shirley Sethia. While Anusha Shetty is an interior designer by profession.