A relationship can not work with the efforts of one person only. It is no less than a ‘Team Project’ where two partners make one team. If any one of the two fails to work effortlessly, things are bound to go wrong. So here we have a list of ten things to avoid in a relationship to make your bond stronger and happier.
Do Not Act As A Barrier
Let us just accept the fact that even if it is two people making one team, the individuality still never goes out! Every partner has his/her own goals, work or thoughts on the individual basis which might have nothing to do with both of them all together. So do not become a barrier in their individuality. Let them breathe on the individual basis too!
Do not Lose Trust
Never ever try to act suspicious. Trust your partner and give them immense love dipped in the choco lava of trust. Your partner shall never go wrong and shall never give you a chance of cheating. Remember if you act suspicious and question every move they make, this will create differences.
Do Not Stop Them From Living Their Dreams
Never stop your partner from living the dream they dreamt of, even if you don’t like it. Your external support will make your partner work hard on the goal and after the achievement, the goal shall be cherished by both of you all together. Your support shall make your partner even closer to you and he/she will also work each day to never let you down during the process of living the life of dreams
Do Not Question Their Faith!
Do not question faith or belief of your partner in any particular situation. Trust the gut feeling and respect their instincts. Many a times, a superstitious partner is yelled at by her partner which creates a difference. There is anyway no harm in being supportive to your partner’s faith even if it is not logical to you.
Do Not Show Hatred For Their People
Expressing that you don’t like a particular friend of your partner or a particular family member of your partner is good and should be done. But dragging that hatred in every conversation should be avoided. Remember, you do not like that person but the other person might be a major part of your partner’s world. Do not leave any chance of your partner to choose any one amongst you both one day!
Do Not Run From Explanations
It is advisable to explain and keep your part but in a subtle way. After the fight, if you are asked any question, explain your side truly. Usually when things are not explained, the other person fails to understand the vision. So to clarify that why was a particular thing done, or why was a particular thing said, it is always good to give explanation to that ‘why’.
Do Not Stop Facing Them
Never ever stop facing your partner after a huge fight. It is highly not advisable to ignore your partner. It is usually seen after fights, a person tends to sleep in another room and wishes to maintain a distance. But this shouldn’t be done. Make a promise with each other on the first day of your relationship to never ever leave the room and ignore each other. Even if your fight isn’t over, leave it. Do not solve it immediately. Remember, the day you start the trend of leaving the room, smashing the doors and sleeping alone, that is the day you welcome never ending problems.
Do Not Cut The Phone!
Never ever make a mistake of cutting the phone after yelling during a fight. Just say that you are unable to talk and you need time so you are going to to put the phone off. Informing before doing it gives a sign to your partner that you are in anger or in pain but your anger will never go on your head. Cutting phone while a heated argument is a sign of disrespect and targets the ego of the your partner on the other side of the phone. So cut the phone after informing and solve the fight face to face.
Do Not Let The Third Person Interfere
It is okay to share things with a trustworthy person but never let the third person come in between and ask you to solve the matter. If the fight is between two it should be solved by the two. Remember, it is always a private matter but the day someone else enters, it becomes public. Your partner might feel trust in some other person, so he/she might include someone else. Hence this might lead to welcoming of many number of people between your private fight. So this should be avoided.
Do Not Give Up!
Never give up on each other. If you guys are in love with each other and know that it is just a phase, work to erase the negativity but never leave each other. Never forget the fact that fights leave a psychological stress on both of the partners. Do not forget that ‘Forever Is Not A Myth Until We Try’. So keep trying each day and do no lose hope.