Many of us are fans of the so-called “cool films”, but what does this word mean?
“Cool” is the name of the heroes of films who do not give up when the plot is very bad, when the enemy still has a weapon, but the hero no longer has, when there is no strength left, when he is wounded, but you need to go forward.
They do not run away when they are afraid and never give up. “Cool” heroes are what people go to the movies for an action movie for, and the founder was Georges Méliès, who killed the leader of the strangers in the 1902 film “Journey to the Moon”.
We must pay tribute to these films, because they make our hearts beat faster, and the adrenaline in our blood rises. This article will describe the highlights.
Someone does not like spiders, someone snakes, and Ellen Ripley does not tolerate xenomorphs (poisonous creatures that destroy people).
Brave, Ripley sets out to fight these monsters. On the way, she meets a frightened little girl named Newt, the heroine Carrie Henn, whose parents were killed by these mad space monsters.
Ripley takes care of this little girl and actually puts her life in danger in order to save her. But as soon as Ripley thinks that they are saved, the xenomorph queen appears, with whom she has a final fight.
Thanks to this fight, Sigourney Weaver earned the status of the coolest sci-fi heroine of the time.
Really cool Bruce Lee
Released in 1973, Entering the Dragon made martial arts very popular. Thousands of Americans have enrolled in the karate and taekwondo sections, because it is impossible to watch Bruce Lee spin his nunchucks and not imagine himself in his place.
But the best scene in the movie is Lee’s fight with the fighting-loving Mr. Khan, played by Kien Shi.
According to the plot of the film, the invincible kung fu master Li fights with the famous drug lord, mentioned earlier, Khan.
Lee exhausts the enemy with her bestial screams and lightning-fast movements. But Khan has a knife in his hand, with which he inflicts 3 bloody blows on Lee.
And Lee, instead of falling wounded in battle, with an expression of complete indifference on his face, runs his finger over the bloody wound, tastes his own blood, while not taking his eyes off the enemy. This scene was the most impressive moment in the film.
The bride returns to take her
It’s safe to say that the Kill Bill series is the coolest movie ever, making actress Uma Thurman famous.
According to the plot of the film, the avenger Beatrix Kiddo, played by the star actress, travels the world, cracking down on the criminals of her former colleagues and lovers who once set her up.
And the best moment of the film is her final fight with O-Ren Ishii (Lucy Liu) and the Yakuza gang. Well, it was interesting to remember these wonderful films. Like for the courage and fortitude that films teach.
Also read The Trailers That Ruined The Whole Movie