Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan who gives treats to her fans by posting numerous family photos has shared yet another post to welcome New Year – 2021. The actress who earlier gave a glimpse of the family get together has this time, shared a photo of her son Taimur Ali Khan, along with his cousin Inaaya Naumi Kemmu. Who is Soha Ali Khan-Kunal and Kemmu’s daughter. Kareena clicked the photo of Taimur and Inaaya from their bathtub. Posting the photo, Kareena wrote. “We are ready for you 2021”. Although the photo of the kids is quite adorable, but soon after the picture made rounds on social media. It was also trolled by the netizens. In the image, we see Taimur and Inaaya raise their hands. But what actually has caught people’s attention was Taimur’s ribs. Which has left a few netizens concerned.
Dressed in mustard-colored shorts, Taimur looked quite cute, while Inaaya wore a blue monokini that was attention-grabbing. Even though Taimur looked cute but still many commented on Kareena’s little boy. Saying that he looked malnutritioned, One user wrote “So thin Tim has become’. While other wrote “He looks malnourished Khana Khila De usko”
Checkout Kareena’s Post Below:
Before this post she also shared a video of the family dinner for New Year which included Saif Ali Khan, Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu, Kritika Kamra and Shikha Talsania. It was a classic dinner arranged by Kareena that included dishes like lasagna, roast duck with carrots and cabbage, roast potatoes, cheese, walnut pie and strawberries.
Watch the video below:
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