There was a time when ‘Food clothes and a house’ used to be three very important things for the people. But now a fourth thing ‘mobile phone‘ has also been added to this list. Especially in this lockdown and corona period, people have started using mobile too much. Without this, no one can live even for an hour. We all have heard many side effects of using more smartphone. Such as weaken eyes, neck pain or damage from harmful radiations emanating from the phone, etc.

But have you ever heard that someone had to cut his hand due to using excessive mobile. One such unfortunate incident occurred to a 35-year-old woman named Amy Lorry, who lives in Ireland. Amy was very fond of using mobiles. Especially she liked typing messages. She used to type messages every day for several hours. Then suddenly one day there was swelling in her palm.

At first she ignored this swelling. She felt that this swelling may have occurred due to using more mobile. Her husband also started mocking the words that you use more mobile, so your hand swollen. Amy’s first swelling came in November 2018. After ignoring it for a year, when this swelling did not subside, she went to the doctor.

The doctor examined Amy’s right hand and got her MRI done as well. After this, her biopsy was also taken. The investigation revealed that the cause of swelling in Amy’s palm was cancer. She had a cancer in her hand which was slowly spreading to other parts of the body as well. In such a situation, the doctor told Amy that if you want to save your life, you will have to cut your hand.

It was very difficult for Amy to make such a big decision. To save her life, she finally got her hands chopped off. Amy says that this change made her cry initially. Whenever she woke up in the morning, she would cry after seeing her severed hand. She also had difficulty in doing work. During this time, her husband supported Amy a lot.
Amy shared her story with people so that they do not make the mistake of ignoring the problems in their body. If there is any problem, see a doctor immediately. The sooner the disease is caught, the more effective its treatment. Amy and her husband made just that mistake. They were mocking Amy’s hand swelling. But later they came to know that it is a sign of cancer.
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