Yoga calms the mind, body and soul and holistically prepares the body to face all physical, mental and external challenges. Brimming with benefits, here are some tips which will help you incorporate yoga in your daily routine for a fit and sound lifestyle.
Designate a time period for practicing yoga daily
Once you have set a consistent time, select a particular day and place in your home where you can peacefully practice yoga. This will help to stick to a designated time and follow the regime religiously.
Choose online sources for practice
Prefer using online sources to learn yoga, including videos, tutorials, and apps. Find something which matches your taste and is compatible with your style of practice.
It is advised to keep aside the complex postures as a beginner and choose to start with simple poses like downward dog, child’s pose, and mountain pose. Once you have developed well with the poses, ramp up your level with other postures to gain enhanced strength and flexibility.
Look for a yoga buddy
Practicing yoga with a friend or family member can help you build momentum and stay motivated throughout with added fun.
When it comes to building core strength and flexibility, it is imperative to stay active, relaxed and fresh while the practice.