Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah director Malav Rajda has broke his silence on the rumors which have been circulating across the internet stating throat cancer of Dayaben aka s reacted to reports that actor Disha Vakani. This was speculated on the basis of the peculiar voice which was the USP of her character. Disha who had left the show back then in 2017 had not yet presented her views on it. Nonetheless, Disha’s brother who coincidentally played the same role on screen, Sundar has disapproved and stated them baseless.
Malav Rajda took to Instagram to present his views and refute the misleading reporting done by the media. He posted a screenshot of the report and captioned it, “Like jethalal says…nonsense…News reporting is such a responsible job…It really amazes me how at times it’s so irresponsibly done. Yaar such big news. At least cross check once. It can affect so many people and why why why to print any news till you are sure about it. So to all her fans this is completely false.”
Just after the post went on the feed, a flood of comments followed in a jiffy. A follower wrote, “Patrakar Popatlal would be disappointed in his fellow news reporters.” Some other fan commented, “These people should be put on Anjali bhabhi’s diet for a month.”