It’s not a new thing that an actress or model has faced the wardrobe malfunction during Lakme Fashion Week. This has once happened with Disha Patni. Disha Patni has also faced the oops moment but Tiger Shroff warned her at the time which saved her from getting into a big mess. She wore Manish Malhotra’s sequin dress at the 2017 Lakme Fashion Week. Have a look:
Now watch what happened to Divya Khosla Kumar at Lakme Fashion Week 2020:
At Lakme Fashion Week 2015, a model was saved by the audience. The audience was constantly hinting that her strapless orange gown was slipping. Have a look:
At Lakme Fashion Week 2014, one model lifted the yellow front slip top so much that the privates started to show and that was the biggest Oops Moment of that year.
At Lakme Fashion Week Autumn / Winter 2017, Chitrangada Singh looked no less than a warrior princess. She wore Neha Aggarwal Bohemian Outfit but she also had to fall prey to the Oops Moment. Her deep netline dress had a silicon nipple guard which was revealed.
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