Popular Marathi TV actress Pradnya Parkar has shocked the entertainment industry. The actress allegedly murdered her 18-year-old daughter Shruti by strangling her and later she committed suicide by hanging herself at their Kalwa residence in Mumbai’s Thane.
The 40 years old Pradnya also left a suicide note. This note stated the reason why she took such a drastic step. According to the letter, she was under extreme stress and hence killed her daughter Shruti and was going to kill herself too.
The reports also state that Parkar who worked in the Marathi TV industry, was not getting much work these days and her husband too was facing a major financial crunch.
When Pradnya’s husband was out for his daily gym session in the morning, this shocking incident took place. On his return to home from the gym, Pradnya’s husband knocked the door multiple times and when he didn’t get any response from inside he sensed something wrong. Later, the door was broken and he got shocked to see Pradnya hanging with the ceiling fan whereas his daughter Shruti’s dead body was lying on the bed.