An unfortunate news comes in as two second-year engineering students identified as Nakka Venkatesh and Poluri Sai studying in a private institute in Andhra Pradesh were electrocuted while they were putting up a banner for display of Tamil star Suriya on his birthday. The mishap took place in Mopulavaripalem village, Palnadu district in Andhra Pradesh.
As reported by ANI the two fans of Suriya, were trying to install the flex banner when it came in contact with the iron rod in close proximity to an overhead electric wire, which incidentally killed them on spot.
In conversation with ANI, Ananya, sister of Poluri Sai said “College is responsible for my brother’s death. We are paying fees to the college. Before joining the college they assured us that students would be secured and monitored, but, the college is not protecting and monitoring the students in the hostel. We are daily labours. We struggle a lot to pay college fees, striving for a good life for my brother. It’s an awful incident that happened.”
While this incident isn’t the first time, earlier in September 2020, three of Pawan Kalyan fans were killed in the same manner.
Suriya is yet to give his statement on this incident.
On the other hand, the first look of his film Kanguva by Siva of has been released on his birthday. It also stars Disha Patani.