Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan was recently caught by the Coronavirus. After this, now he has admitted his mistake by posting on social media and told what mistake he made.
Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan, Neetu Kapoor and director Raj Mehta were recently caught by Covid-19 while shooting for the upcoming film Jug Jug Jiyo in Chandigarh. At the same time, Anil Kapoor and Kiara Advani were also shooting for the film, but their report came negative.
Now, after being cornered by Corona, Varun Dhawan admitted to his mistake by posting on social media that he thought he could have cared a little more. Varun posted and wrote:
Actress Neetu Kapoor has returned to Mumbai after being hit by the Corona virus. After Neetu was caught by Covid-19, her son and actor Ranbir Kapoor made necessary arrangements to call her back to Mumbai. Ranbir has brought Neetu back to Mumbai via air ambulance, where she is being taken care of. At the same time, actor Anil Kapoor has also returned to Mumbai and he informed the fans through social media that his corona report has come negative.
All the actors left for the shooting of their film Jug Jug Jiyo on 12 November. Everyone shared the photo while leaving and gave information about the film. Apart from Varun, Anil and Neetu, the film also stars actress Kiara Advani and Prajakta Koli.
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