Vijay Deverakonda is traveling about town to spread positive word about his forthcoming release ‘Liger’. On Tuesday, the actor was spotted coming in a rickshaw at a venue, because of the extreme downpour in the city. “Real hero with no attitude ….very humble n ground to earth,” commented one netizen, while another Instagram user wrote ‘simplicity’ in the reaction to Vijay’s act. On the other hand, trolls alluded to Vijay’s rickshaw ride as a publicity stunt for ‘Liger’.
Beforehand, at the trailer launch of ‘Liger’, Vijay Deverakonda wore chappals worth Rs 199. Uncovering the reason for the same, Vijay’s stylist Harmann Kaur had told a news portal that the actor wanted to wear something that was close to his character in the movie and insisted on an ‘underdog’ look. All through the promotions of ‘Liger’, Vijay has been seen wearing casuals and simple outfits
Helmed by Puri Jagannadh, ‘Liger’ marks Vijay’s debut in Bollywood. He romances Ananya Panday in this sports drama. The film’s trailer got much love from fans online. Expressing gratitude, Vijay Deverakonda said, “This mental mass of fans is driving me crazy. I don’t know what to say. I’m just speechless. It’s been two years since my last film was released. And it was a flop. This kind of reception for the trailer is unbelievable. I… I… love you all (in Liger style). I’m dedicating this movie to you. I danced, fought and built a body for this movie. I just hate dancing, but tried to make all of my fans proud. There should be these kinds of similar celebrations at theatres on August 25th. Let’s shake the entire country.”