Actor Vijay Deverakonda has consistently maintained silence with regard to his private life. He as of late talked about when he would openly uncover his relationship status. On Thursday, he will be uncovering a lot about himself on Karan Johar’s show Koffee With Karan 7, alongside Liger co-star Ananya Panday.
Ahead of the show, he opened up on why he would not openly reveal his relationship status. “The day I will marry and have kids, I will say it out loud; until then I would not like to hurt anyone who adores me. There are so many people who love you as an actor and have your poster on their wall, on their phones. They give me so much love and appreciation; I don’t want to break their heart,” said Vijay Deverakonda in the show after Karan inquired as to whether he is seeing anyone. Previously, he was rumoured to be dating Rashmika Mandanna.
Vijay has frequently made news with hypotheses about dating Rashmika. Prior, they were reputed to be tying the knot soon. Previously, Vijay and Rashmika have many times clarified that they’re nothing but good friends. The two actors have worked together in movies such as -Geetha Govindam and Dear Comrade.