Gas leaked from a chemical plant in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, early Thursday. The accident took place between 2:30 am and 3:30 am. So far 8 people have died, including 2 children. The gas leaked from the LG Polymers Industry plant and spread to 5 small villages within a 4-km radius. The NDRF, SDRF, NDMA, and Navy teams are carrying out rescue operations to save lives.
According to the resources, the accident took place in Venkatapuram village, about 30 km from Visakhapatnam. More than 1000 people are sick. More than 80 people are hospitalized. 3 are on ventilators. The condition of 15 children is critical.
People fainted on the spot
According to Andhra Pradesh DGP Damodar Gautam Sawang, 2 of the 8 people killed died while running away in panic. One of these fell from the second floor of the company, while the other fell into the well. As soon as the news of the accident spread, many people reached the spot but fell unconscious there. People were found unconscious in nearby houses also. Some people had red marks on their bodies.
Neurotoxin gas Styrene leaked from the plant
The gas that leaked is called Styrene. It is a neurotoxin. Its chemical formula is C6H5CH = CH2. This most popular organic solvent is a colorless liquid like benzene-borne water. If it enters the body through the breath, then it starts showing effect within 10 minutes. This gas is used in polystyrene plastics, fiberglass, rubber, and pipe making plants.
After the leakage, the gas had spread over a radius of 4 km in 5 small villages surrounding this area. Gas entered the homes of the people there. People started to waking up after restlessness, difficulty in breathing, vomiting. Many people fainted.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that he has spoken to the Ministry of Home Affairs and NDMA. He wished everyone to be safe. The Prime Minister also called an emergency meeting of the NDMA at his residence.