After the IFFI row went viral on the internet, filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri slammed at the remark made by the hury head and Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid. Vivek indispensably said that he would stop making films if anyone could substantiate with facts that whatever showed in the film is untrue.
“This is nothing new for me. Because such things are often said by terrorist organisations, urban naxals and by those who wants to divide the country. What is shocking to me is that narrative supported by those who wish to separate Kashmir from India were voiced at the stage of an event organised by the government on India. And a few who live India used it against the country. Who are these people,” Vivek posted his interrogation for the remark made.
He mentioned that people who are questioning the content of the film were themselves researching on the subject. He interviewed around 700 people before helming the movie. “It is often said that The Kashmir Files is a propaganda movie, that the Hindus were never killed in the valley. So today, I challenge all intellectuals, urban naxals and this great filmmaker from Israel: if they can prove that a single shot, dialogue, event from The Kashmir Files is untrue, I would stop making movies,” he quoted in the clip.
During the closing ceremony of the film festival, filmmaker Nadav Lapid had said: “I would like to thank the head of the festival and the director of the programming for the cinematic richness of the programme, for its diversity, for its complexity. It was intense. We saw seven films in the debutant competition, and 15 films in the international competition, the front window of the festival. 14 out of them had cinematic qualities, defaults and evoked vivid discussions.”