Taimur Ali Khan, the youngest Nawab of Bollywood and the most wanted of the media, often goes on a day out with his mother Kareena Kapoor Khan and Papa Saif Ali Khan. In such a situation, his fans wait eagerly to get a glimpse of him. Let us tell you that Taimur Ali Khan is always surrounded by people. Taimur is a favorite Starkid for fans. Meanwhile, a new video of Taimur is going viral on social media. In this video, Timur is so happy to see the drum that he runs to see that and starts playing drums loudly.
Watch video of Taimur Ali Khan Playing Drums here:
This cute video of Taimur is very much liked on social media. Viral Bhayani has shared this video of Taimur Ali Khan on his official Instagram account. In the video, a photographer is taking pictures of Taimur playing drums.
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