Lara Radulovich & David Hanna created the drama series “Wentworth”. The series is based on Reg Watson’s “Prisoner” series from 1979. This series was first published in 2013 and has been published nine times.
The series features strong women and focuses on life in prison. Because Season 8 ended unexpectedly, fans are eagerly awaiting the release. A lot of people began to imagine what was going to happen.
While the series primarily focuses on a prison today, a lot has changed. Many critics have shown a positive attitude towards the series and have supported numerous awards and accolades, including the most viewed Australian drama series.
The 8th season of Wentworth premiered on Netflix in September 2020. Each season has 10 episodes. The release of Season 9 has been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Pino Amenta posted a tweet on Day 8 of Season 8. This note was followed by a selfie shared with the gang.
Wentworth Season 8 on Fox Showcase and Netflix
Wentworth Season 8 premiered in July on Fox Showcase in Australia. It ended on September 29. That was the day that Season 8 premiered in its entirety on Netflix in America.
Wentworth: The final installment continues the story of the inmates of Wentworth Prison. A key point of the new episodes is the unexpected return of Pamela Rabe as Joan Ferguson.