Bigg Boss 12 is approaching towards its end as only a day left fort its finale. The contestants who are in the race to lift the trophy are Dipika Kakar, Sreesanth, Karanvir Bohra, Deepak Thakur and Romil Chaudhary. Meanwhile, a news is hitting the social media that one of the popular players Sreesanth is out of the race as he gets eliminated from the house.
Many Bigg Boss fanpages claim that the cricketer is out of the game. A media portal reported that,
“Sreesanth had a war of words with Deepak Thakur and in anger, the former decided to exit the house. Well, it’s a known fact that Sreesanth is one of the most extreme contestants on Bigg Boss 12. Be it his aggression or despair, the former cricketer gives contrast reaction to the situations”.
However, Sreesanth’s wife Bhuvneshwari refuted the reports and slammed the particular article on Twitter as she wrote,
“Good work PR but unfortunately for you, it’s not true! #SreeFam don’t believe this news and such pages who have zero facts and write only for their own pleasure. #VoteForSreesanth”.
Spotboye also refuted the news and said,
“It’s absolutely untrue. He is very much in the game and hasn’t jumped any wall to come out. Well such rumours often get spread near the finale. In fact, all the contestants were busy rehearsing for their performances till last night”.
To let you know, Bigg Boss 12 finale will air on December 30 from 9 pm onwards.