Actress Payal Ghosh, who made her Bollywood debut with the film ‘Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi‘, has made serious allegations against filmmaker and director Anurag Kashyap. Payal has accused director Anurag Kashyap of sexual abuse. She has requested the PM for justice by writing posts on social media. Payal is trending on social media after accusing Anurag. So let’s tell you who is Payal Ghosh?
Payal Ghosh is from Kolkata. Payal has done her school and college studies from Kolkata and is now living in Mumbai. Payal made her Bollywood debut in 2017 with the film Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi. Paresh Rawal and Rishi Kapoor were in the lead role with her in this film. Her hero in this film was Veer Das. The film flopped badly. Apart from this, she has also worked in some South and Hindi films.
Worked in this film at the age of 17
Payal Ghosh made her acting debut in 2008 at the age of 17 from BBC’s English telefilm Sharpe’s Peril. The story of the film was of an English soldier Richard Sharp in which Payal played the daughter of a freedom fighter living in a village in Bengal. Apart from films, Payal Ghosh has also worked in the TV serial Saath Nibhana Saathiya. She played the role of Radhika.
Payal is very active on social media. She has shared many glamorous pictures on her Instagram, which has millions of likes and comments.
Why Payal Ghosh is in the headlines?
Payal Ghosh, while speaking on social media on Saturday, wrote, ‘Anurag Kashyap has forced on me and has treated me very badly. Narendra Modi ji, please take some strict action against it. Let the country know that there is a monster behind this creative man. I know it can harm me and my safety is in danger. Please help me. After this, Kangana also supported Payal and tweeted, ‘Every voice matters.’ Arrest Anurag Kashyap. At the same time, Anurag has completely rejected the allegations of the actress.
Also read Payal Ghosh to file case against Anurag, lawyer of director told the truth of #MeToo movement