The Bharatiya Janata Party has picked TikTok star and TV actress Sonali Phogat for the Jat-dominated Adampur seat in Haryana. Ms Phogat, who has over 1 lakh followers on the video-sharing platform, will take on Congress MLA Kuldeep Bishnoi, the son of three-time Chief Minister Bhajan Lal.
On TikTok, Ms Phogat regularly shares videos of her lip-syncing Bollywood songs. Her recent videos are viral on the internet.
Few Tik Tok Videos of Sonali Phogat
Sonali Singh Phogat hails from Bhuthan village of Fatehabad district and was married to late Sanjay Phogat of Harita, Hisar who died under mysterious circumstances in his farm in December 2016, when Sonali was in Mumbai.