Many would not mind at all if we soon see another movie trilogy with the scope and quality of The Lord of the Rings that appeared from 2001 to 2003. Peter Jackson ‘s adventure films are packed with great and also powerful characters that you will love to spend your time with.
But which character is actually the most powerful in the film adaptation of JRR Tolkien’s story? Screenrant asked himself that question and went to investigate to quickly conclude that only one character is eligible.
Powerful Character: Sauron
Screenrant mentions many names, such as Iluvatar the God, Manwë, Morgoth, Fingolfin, Beren and Huor. However, these characters did not show up in the movies and only appeared in the books about Tolkien’s mythology.
And then, according to Screenrant, there is only one left and that is Sauron. Which is not surprising since the villain is a “near-original ghost”. His human form is hardly or not at all present in the films, but he knows how to manipulate all living beings in Middle-earth.
That Sauron is the most powerful is confirmed in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by Gandalf when he says the following sentence to Gimli:“I am more dangerous than anything you will ever encounter unless you are taken alive to the seat of the Dark Lord.”