Will Smith is back on the Oscars’ red carpet after the drama with Chris Rock. He made his appearance with his family for the film premiere of the film Emancipation in Los Angeles. The Antoine Fuqua film will mark the first release post the Oscars controversy in March since he slapped comedian Chris Rock on the live show.
At the Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, Will appeared with his wife Jada Pinkett Smith and children Trey, Willow and Jaden. Will looked dapper in a Dolce & Gabbana tuxedo paired with a light pink undershirt twinning with Trey’s look. Jada wore a baggy white turtleneck dress paired with matching jewellery. Daughter Willow was decked in black with silver embellishments while son Jaden wore a tuxedo supplemented with black-and-white prints.
Speaking to Variety, the actor saidy, “It’s certainly unlocked an empathy and a gratitude that I get to live in this time. And a gratitude for the people who went before me and before us, to take beatings, so I can stand here today.” Emancipation features Ben Foster, Charmaine Bingwa, Gilbert Owuor, and Mustafa Shakir.
Will’s made special appearance on The Daily Show for an interview post the incident at the Oscars with the host Trevor Noah where he spoke about the very day. “That was a horrific night, as you can imagine,” he began. “There’s many nuances and complexities to it. But at the end of the day, I just — I lost it, you know? That is not who I want to be.” Speaking to Kevin McCarthy he said, “I completely understand that if…someone is not ready, I would absolutely respect that and allow them their space to not be ready…My deepest hope is that my actions don’t penalize my team.”