Peaky Blinders is a crime drama series that follows the Peaky Blinders crime gang in the direct aftermath of WWI. It is set in Birmingham, England, and, is centered on a crime family of mixed Irish Catholic and Romani origins. It centers around the criminal gang who razor blades in the peaks of their caps and their boss, Tommy Shelby. It follows the gang after they return from WWI.
The series debuted on September 12, 2013, and the most recent 6th season premiered on June 10, 2022, on Netflix. Fans are now wondering about the chance of another season and assuming that they will get to see more of the Shelbys in the future.
Will there be a Season 7 of Peaky Blinders?
No, it hurts to concede but the fact is the series won’t be returning for the 7th season. In mid-2021, on BBC News, Steven Knight uncovered: “The original intention was to do seven series, but COVID has stolen a year from us, and we felt what would be a great idea is to, almost in place of that seventh series, is to go onto the big screen.”
Also, the tragic demise of the beloved actress Helen McCrory, who portrayed Polly Gray in the series, caused plans for the series end with the 6th season. He told the RadioTimes, “We just felt, also with the loss of Helen [McCrory], that it all seemed to be pointing towards doing what I’m calling ‘the end of the beginning. Let’s end the beginning, then let’s do the film. And then let’s see where we go in terms of spin-offs.”
Peaky Blinder Season 7 Release Date
Since the series has been dropped, Peaky Blinders Season 7 will not occur, and thus, there is no release date for the same. Nonetheless, the uplifting news is a film is in the works with maker Steven Knight. He told Digital Spy, in an interaction, “I love doing it. I love the world. We were originally going to end it with this series, but I just thought that there are so many people who are just getting into it now. It’d be such a shame to stop.”
The Peaky Blinders film doesn’t have a name yet, however we know that the film will go into production in 2023, and considering it generally took a half year of shooting and an additional a half year of post-production activities, the film can show up anytime in late 2024.
Peaky Blinders Season 7: What could have been the plot?
In the event that Peaky Blinders Season 7 was ever to happen, we might have seen more of the Shelbys and assumed there were new obstacles waiting for them. However, since the series is dropped, that’s not possible now.
Peaky Blinders Season 7 Cast
Assuming the series at any point gets renewed, we expect the main cast to return, including:
Cillian Murphy as Thomas Shelby
Finn Cole as Micheal Gray
Paul Anderson as Arthur
Sophie Rundle as Ada Thorne
Tom Hardy as Alfie
Where to watch Peaky Blinders?
Peaky Blinders Seasons 1-6 are available to watch on Netflix.