Yami Gautam Dhar who was seen in her OTT releases, ‘Dasvi’ and ‘A Thursday’, is now set to star in another film titled ‘Lost’. The film is set to be released on the platform on February 16. It is an investigative thriller starring Pankaj Kapur, Rahul Khanna, Neil Bhoopalam, Pia Bajpiee and Tushar Pandey in pivotal roles, has been directed by Aniruddha Roy Choudhury of ‘Pink’ fame starring Amitabh Bachchan.
Penned down by Shyamal Sengupta backed with dialogues crafted by Ritesh Shah. The film is set amidst the landscape of Kolkata and is inspired by real events. The plot features the journey of a talented young crime reporter who is on the brim of catching the truth behind the sudden disappearance of a young theatre artist.
Lost symbolizes a bigger quest for the truth, lost values of empathy and integrity. Yami Gautam featuring Lost was previously screened at the 53rd International Film Festival of India in Goa, in November previous year.
Bankrolled by Zee Studios and Namah Pictures, ‘Lost’ will be streaming on Zee5 from February 16. After the Yami Gautam’s spectacular performance in A Thursday, fans’ expectations have grown ten manifold.