This world is the most beautiful and interesting place for those who are ready to explore it. Today we will show you some of the super creative sculptures around the world you won’t believe actually exist.
Mustangs At Las Colinass
Just look at the splashing of water around the feet of running horses. It looks so real.

Les Voyageurs, Marseilles, France
OMG! What an amazing sculpture, it can make anyone drop their jaw! There are 15 statues of such kind of Bruno Catalano in the city.

Spoonbridge and Cherry, Minneapolis
As its name suggests “Spoonbridge and Cherry”. Here Spoonbridge refers to the bridge which is depicted by a spoon with the cherry at the top.

Jatayu National Park, India
This sculpture is known as the biggest bird sculpture in the world.

Infinite Stairway to Heaven, Austria
If you look carefully, you will notice each stair is getting smaller in size as compared to the previous one which makes it look like they are infinite steps.

The Fountain Of Youth, SpainG
This is known as Magic tap. It appears as its just floating, but there is a pipe hidden inside the flow of water which supports the whole structure.