In the early 2000s, Indian cricketer Sourav Ganguly and film star Nagma were purportedly dating. While the two celebrities kept quiet about the accusations at the time because Ganguly was married and had a child, Nagma addressed the rumours in a 2009 interview. It was alleged that Ganguly ended things, and Nagma claimed in an interview with the Telegraph that “in this case, there was no fight, of course.” The interview states indirectly “clearly not forgotten the episode.”
Nagma averred, “One person among millions becomes special. Our field gives us a platform to meet different sorts of people. Of course, when two people from different backgrounds who are well-known in their fields meet and like each other, people try to make too much of it. The world does not like to see two famous people come together.”
Nagma averred, “One person among millions becomes special. Our field gives us a platform to meet different sorts of people. Of course, when two people from different backgrounds who are well-known in their fields meet and like each other, people try to make too much of it. The world does not like to see two famous people come together. So much so that it gets into an area of destruction — and you let go.”
Nagma further corrected her statement and added, “I wouldn’t want to say ‘let go’. You cannot let go of anyone, especially if that person has brought meaning to your life. If you have shared two nice moments with that person, the relationship, the feeling or that moment can never go. I think friends always remain friends. I think if a relationship is genuine, it doesn’t go away. People fight even in their own families. In this case, there was no fight, of course.”
Sourav Ganguly has never discussed this period of his life in public. However, Nagma wished him on Twitter in 2020, which prompted internet users to discuss their possible relationship in the comments.