Actor Akshay Kumar unveiled the motion poster of the film Durgamati. In which Bhumi seems to appear in never before avatar.
Bollywood actress Bhumi Pednekar stunned everyone after she appeared in an interesting poster of her upcoming Durgamati that surfaced yesterday. The film features Arshad Warsi and Akshay Kumar, who is the presenter of the film. The poster that was launched by the makers of the film – T-Series, Abundantia Entertainment seems to be quite intense and left fans and the industry bewildered. For those unaware of this let us tell you that at first this film was launched with the title Durgavati. But later it was launched with the title Durgamati, which was not less than a sudden surprise to everyone who heard about this. Another surprise for the audience was the look of Bhumi, which showcases her in an intense look. And garnered praise from all her fans.
After sharing the first look. Akshay Kumar unveiled the motion poster of the film. In the new post, Bhumi is seen with a fierce expression on her face and wearing a red saree. Holding a Trishul in her hand and along with her long locks open she is in an intense look. Bhumi is sitting on a snake-headed throne and webs all around it. Captioning the poster Akshay wrote”It’s payback time! Get ready to meet #DurgamatiOnPrime on Dec 11, @primevideoin. Trailer out tomorrow! @bhumipednekar @ashokdirector #CapeOfGoodFilms #BhushanKumar #KrishanKumar @ivikramix @tseriesfilms @abundantiaent @tseries.official @arshad_warsi @senguptajisshu @mahieg @karankapadiaofficial @shikhaarif.sharma @babita.ashiwal.”
Watch the Motion Poster Below:
Talking further about this let us tell you that the tagline of Durgamati is ‘The Myth’ and will be streamed from December 11, 2020, on Amazon Prime Video. And giving information along with the motion poster, the makers also announced that the trailer will be out tomorrow on November 25, 2020. Talking about the characters in the film the stars that will feature apart from Bhumi and Arshad Warsi are Jisshu Sengupta, Mahie Gill, Karan Kapadia, and others in pivotal roles. The film is directed by Ashok and produced by Akshay Kumar’s Cape of Good Films, T-Series’ Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, and Abundantia Entertainment’s Vikram Malhotra.
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